Osprey Nest Manasquan Reservoir

Great 5 mile run today at Manasquan Reservoir (MR) with a friend.  I really love running with other ladies.  I was not feeling the run today--I was so sluggish.  Normally I get in my groove at 2 miles and I never got in the groove today at all---I struggled through the whole 5, but G kept me going.

I know she was holding back for me.  She is a stronger/faster runner than I am.  Picture a pretty blond with hair flowing, great form, making running look so easy next to me---sweaty mess, face redder than my red hair, hunched over, lurching along.

I love running at MR, but I always find that the route is more challenging than other routes I run---but the scenery is soooo worth it.

Today there were lots of people out for a lunch stroll. Lots of dogs walking their owners. Two men walking in casual business wear.  Lots of people strolling in sweat shirts and jackets--while I was so hot, I wished I was naked.  There was a man with a telescope like device and a father and a son watching the osprey nest.

When we hit the parking lot we witnessed a woman throwing her cigarette out the window--the irony was not lost on us.

Great day--Great run!

Avg Pace
100:09:48 1.00 09:48
200:10:03 1.00 10:03
300:10:12 1.00 10:12
400:10:42 1.00 10:42
500:10:01 1.00 10:01

1 comment:

MJ said...

Even though you didn't feel like a 'running super star', your pace, and will to finish, proves otherwise. :) Looks like a beautiful place for a run!

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