Yesterday was Halloween--I love this holiday, even though I really am not a "sweet" girl. Believe it or not I did not have ONE piece of candy--not because I denied myself--I just did not want it. Now, if people were handing out slices of pizza or plates of nachos--my salty self would be all over that.
I got a ryde in at Hammer House that morning--so glad I did, because the rest of the day was non-stop ACTION. Fun but a wee bit crazy. We did not even have time to fit in all the festivities--please forgive us if we were supposed to stop by and never made it. Ronan ended up having a friend come over and we had to stay home to hand out candy and be home base. Finn went out the first time this year with his brother and told me specifically he was too old to have me go too---boo hoo. We ran out of candy and turned out the light at 7:45 pm--I know lame--but I spent over $100 on candy and bought way more than last year......
Today I was all set to run at least 5 after strength training at the Y--I had my bag with my running shoes, heart rate monitor, ipod---wait where is my Garmin and water--why at home on the kitchen counter of course. So when I realized this, I changed plans and headed to Starbucks--a latte solves everything. On the way there, I realized I could download an app on my iPhone for pacing. I picked up water with the latte and headed to the Henry Hudson train. Runkeeper was free and seemed to work fine, except for the few minutes when I stopped to take a picture and it did not pause properly. It was OK--but don't worry, I still love my Garmin.
It was a perfect fall day--5.32 miles in 54 minutes
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