I knew on Sunday when I was trying out Jillian Michaels' 6 week Abs for the first time ($10 target special) that I had "pulled" something--it was the kind of pull that I thought if I just stretched it out it would "pop" back into place. A little "twingy" but no pain. I finished the workout no problem; I did not even have to pause it.
Con and I (and Ray--my hubby is now joining us for P90x--that is a whole other story) woke up for our 5:30 P90X workout yesterday morning. Core Synergistics was on the agenda. I love that workout. I felt a little twingy in the left trap area--but no pain and it felt good to work it out.
Monday am I play tennis for 2 hours at the Colts Neck Raquet Club--I love this time. I started playing tennis about 6 months before I started running--what took me so long??? I like playing and the ladies I play with are fun. I knew after the first few swings that tennis was going to be challenging. Even though the "pop" was on the left trap area (yesterday during the video workout)--ALL the muscles in my upper back were tense and that tension lead to discomfort--leading to pain--leading to the point where I felt my back "seize". I never quit anything, but I had to go home yesterday after 30 minutes of hitting balls.
I could barely get out to the car in the parking lot---I felt like I had to mobilize my left arm---any movement sent spasms through my back muscles--tennis was a colossal mistake. I called Ray after sitting in the car for 10 minutes (with the car door open--I could not pull it closed with my left hand). I did not think I could drive home, but I did it and then sat in the garage for another 15 minutes. I could barely move.
The worst thing was it was a rare high 40s-50 degrees with wicked wind--but warm wind--I had a solo run planned--I wanted to do at least 5 and run for FUN for ME--I was pissed. I had the day off and here I was lying on the yoga mats in the sunroom--every breathe HURT! I diagnosed myself with a subluxated rib head and laid with rolled up yoga mats under me to help relax it back into place.
After the Aleve kicked in and I had been icing the different areas of my back for 2 hours--and after watching "You Again" on demand--after all if I had to lie still on my back, I had to be doing something--this movie was super-cute (Ray would have hated it and would have made snide comments all the way through--so I am glad I snuck it in)---I decided--Yes, my back hurts and breathing hurts--but I could run--I would just move my legs. I convinced myself if I went slow I could do at least 3-4 on the treadmill. After running a slow 1.3 miles (Yes, it took me that long before I knew I was an idiot), I called it quits. I am an anal task master so missing that run was torture for me--sitting here the next morning I still feel guilty.
This morning I feel better--much better--it still hurts on deep inhalation, but nothing like yesterday; however, I am not going to risk it. I am playing it safe--no P90X this morning--and no strength training at the gym--the guilt is awful and I know I will be dragging today as a result--I need the endorphin high to keep me moving.
I am going to attempt a slow jog on the treadmill...........(to be continued)