Ahhh to be young again.....

Today was the Ryan's Run 5 K race.  This was the first time I was running this race.  I knew the Kaiser family and I knew the race was for a good cause---but this is the first year that I am "a runner".  Conor agreed to run this race with me a while back and as expected despite having to drag him out of bed and drive him sleepy eyed to the race---he still kicked my butt.  What is up with that---am I destined to be a 9-10 min miler?  

Don't get me wrong, I am aware that my chances of winning (even in my age group) are slim to none--and I am OK with that--I am running for ME and competing only with myself---BUT that being said, I would love to see my times improve.  I ended up having to walk a little in the race---it was so hot and I really fought the nausea back the last mile.  I could honestly envision myself throwing up at the end of the race.  I took a minute or two walk to collect myself and I was fine.

I do regret not pushing myself a little harder for this race and my lack of runs over the last few weeks.  I am going to have to try those early am runs if I want to get the mileage in.

All in all this race was just fun---seeing all the people out there running for RYAN--the families in attendance--and running with my son just made the event perfect.  I also LOVED the fact that there were tons of Mother Runners out there.  Lori Sawyer from Mommy Moves and her training team had inspired an entire group of new mom runners who were out in full force (I want to say at least 25 women or more).  What an inspiring bunch.  I was envious of their comradery--I need a running group!


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