Day 7 P90X--Rest

Well it has been 1 week with P90X and I am hooked--I love it.  I have been BRINGING IT big time.  I have not been running as much, but I have a long run planned tomorrow 8-10 (depending on my how the route goes).

Conor has been doing the P90X with me and he is really into it too.  Today was my Rest/Stretch day--but I just had to attend Strength Training at the Y this am (you know I love that class and I have to sneak in as many as possible before the kids are out on Summer vacation).  After class I planned on a 2-3 mile run but ended up running to Starbucks instead--I felt spent and really wanted a Venti Soy Latte (I have been sticking to a high protein diet with the P90X and felt I deserved a treat).  After the latte I decided to go to Cross Farms to see if I could sneak in a mile or two--1.31 miles (how lame am I), 9:39 pace.  Oh well, I'll hit the pavement tomorrow (I will run before P90X and see how that goes).

Today's song, 1901, Phoenix

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