It has been such a weird week and I cannot break out of this funk I am in.  The long holiday weekend left me feeling blue and I was really looking forward to getting back into a routine, particularly looking forward to some good workouts.  This week was going to be the first full week of school for the kids in a LONG time (November is such a screwy school calendar).   

Monday I took a ryde at Hammer House--my second to last class:(  Love the bikes there, but costs WAY too much. I am going to have to learn to love the Kaiser bikes at the Y.  I had runs planned T-W-Th and Sunday this week---I was looking forward to my strength training class on T followed by a 3-5 mile run, but 30 minutes into strength training I got the call--you know the "your son is in the nurse's office...".  I would like to say I was surprised, but I had a feeling he was going to be sent home.  He was not acting himself that morning--afebrile and a mild cough--but not enough to make the "stay home" decision.  Left class and the thoughts of a great run in the 65 degree unseasonal weather behind and high-tailed it to pick him up.

I hoped on the treadmill when he was settled on the couch, but 1/2 mile into the run with my left calf crying--I called it a day.  No sense ignoring all the signs.

Finn is home again today--again, no fever only a mild cough, but he is pale and not acting like himself.  So my plan of spin followed by run is put on hold.  I did manage to get 5 mile jog/walk on TM in.  I really took it easy so my calf would not hurt.  It ached a little, but no pain.

I think I needed to relax this week--I needed the change of plans.  That is my story and I am sticking to it.

Weekly Group Runs for week of Nov 28th

Racy Runners is a running group for everyone; running towards friendship, commitment, and health.  Come join us--everyone is welcome!
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Upcoming LONG Group Runs for month of December: please remember it does not matter how far you want to go, we will help you get the distance you want.  We pick locations that allow for varying route distances, so we can easily drop runners back at their cars whenever they want. Our long runs are run at a slower training pace, to build endurance.  Chatting helps us stay steady and strong, while we push ourselves a little further each time.

*Sunday, December 4th
Thompson Park (meet at parking lot near playground)
8 am

*Saturday, December 10th
Location TBA
8 am

*Saturday, December 17th
Location TBA
8 am

*Saturday, December 24th
Location TBA--I LOVE LOVE LOVE the idea of a Chistmas Eve Run!
8 am

Please text or email me the morning of so I know you are coming, (if there are any changes due to weather or life, I have a list of who to contact)--Thanks!
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you want to arrange a run together any other time.

(Picture above was taken as Ronan and I crossed the finish line of his first 5 mile race)

Guess what--we are planning on running the Asbury Park 1/2 on April 21st, 2012 and we want YOU (yes, YOU) to join us!

You can register HERE.

So far the BRAVE FEARLESS Racy Runners who are signed up (or about to sign up) to participate are:


Please do not be intimidated by the distance--we will show that 13.1 miles who is boss.

Can you believe this weather?

I am injured--there I said it.  The last few runs I have had, I have an ache (I really don't want to call it a pain, but it is) in my left calf.
I convinced myself that running on it was OK since it did not hurt too bad and it did not hurt when I walked on it.  Now it hurts when I walk on it.
This BEUATIFUL weather is killing me.  How can I not run when it is 67 degrees out on Nov 28th?  I know I should be good and rest, but I am already thinking about throwing on a pair of compression stockings/sleves and testing the calf out again--despite knowing how stupid that would be.  I will try to rest it....

Come and run with us this Sunday, December 4th, 8am at Thompson!

So proud of Nikki and Jana for running the Navesink Challenge this past weekend.  The 9 mile course is beautiful but TOUGH!  I can't wait to hear all about it.  Nancy is running a 15K this weekend in DC.  She has been training hard and will be running the race straight off a business flight from San Francisco--can you say "Jet Lag".  Thankfully she is running with an old and dear friend.  Nancy, we wish you the best of luck, but most of all enjoy yourself.

Want to read about my recent running antics, please visit the Racy Runners site HERE.
Please remember you can forward this email on to a friend or unsubscribe at the bottom of the page (you will not hurt my feelings if you unsubscribe--gone from the distribution list but not my heart).

The boys and I at Born to Run 2011

Conor and I completed our 3rd annual Born to Run Race--he finished in 45 minutes and change, which is a HUGE accomplishment on this course--a PR for him and Ronan completed his first 5 mile run EVER--we finished in 52 minutes and that was with some walking--he did great and we cannot wait until next year!  We hope you can join us:)

Born to Run 2011

The Born to Run 5 Mile annual race for a local food bank took place this morning at 11am.  This is the third year Conor and I ran the race and it was Ronan's first 5 mile race ever.  I love the later start time.  We all drove over to Freehold this morning at got there around 10:15 am.  I did not register ahead of time this year, and it was no problem registering right before the race; although, there was only one small shirt left and we had to get 2 mediums (which are way too big for any of us).
The tech shirts were great though--love the bright blue color.  We hit the porta potty before the race and I must say I was worried--my stomach is a mess and although I have never stopped mid race to use the bathroom, I feared today would be the first.

Here we are pre-race:

Prior to the run we talked about how we wanted to run and the boys decided we would all run together.  Since it was Ronan's first 5 mile run, I was worried about how he would do.  We started off towards the end of the pack and getting started was slow, but our first mile was 10:13 (not to bad).  Conor left us in the dust after the first .25 miles.  Ronan and I kept it steady but when we hit the downhill part we speed up, 2 mile split 9:13.  

By the time we hit the park, Ronan was losing steam.  He need to walk a stitch in his side off at mile 3 and we took walk breaks until the end.  Even with those walk breaks and basically "up incline" and hills until the end--HE DID GREAT.  Our overall time via Garmin was 51:37. 

Conor ended up with 46 min and change--a PR for him and great time on this course.  Both boys were so proud of themselves.  I was so proud of them.  We treated them to Surf Taco after the race.  I can't wait for next year--Finn is going to run it with us, we just have to work on Ray.

5 K with Conor before the rain

I wanted to sneak a run in today after spin, but when I got to the Y and checked my gym bag (a Vineyard Vines tote--preppy even at the gym)--no iPod.  Ronan had swiped it out of my bag and did not return it.  Running on the treadmill sans iPod is torture upon torture--so no run at the Y today.  I am glad Ronan is starting to run and I do not mind that he uses the iPod, since it really is his.  I have the larger 8G one and you can't run with that--it skips, so he was letting me borrow his.  The nanos are great for running.  

I had to head over to Target after spin to pick up presents for a B-day party Finn is going to this week and I decided to check out the iPod shuffle while I was there.  It was so cute and can be clipped right to my shirt--how could I resist.

Got to test it out on a 5 K (30:17) with Conor before the rain came down--LOVED IT!

Thanksgiving Week Runs

Racy Runners is a running group for everyone; running towards friendship, commitment, and health.  Come join us--everyone is welcome!
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Group Runs for Week of November 21st:

*Thursday, Nov. 25th
Born to Run, 5 Miles, Freehold NJ
11 am

*Sunday, Nov. 27th
Cheesequake Park
8am- Trail Run
(email me if you will be meeting me and we will coordinate meet location)

(Picture above was taken at Cheesequake Park--look at those stairs aka "Butt Busters")

Guess what--we are planning on running the Asbury Park 1/2 on April 21st, 2012 and we want YOU (yes, YOU) to join us!

You can register HERE.

Please do not be intimidated by the distance--we will show that 13.1 miles who is boss.

(Cheesequake State Park)
Do you have to run off that Pumpkin Pie?  What better way to battle the extra pounds around the holiday--Go for a RUN!!

Come and run with us!

Next Sunday Nikki will be running her first Navesink Challenge Run--a 15 K with hills--in fact she told us today, that the race shirt says, "It is a HILL, get over it!".  Gotta love that.  So we wish her the best of luck--I know she will do great.

We had a great run today--or I should say the ladies that ran with me did (my tummy was acting up BIG TIME).  Nancy, Nikki, and Jana came out to Thompson to get a nice Sunday am run done.  It is always nice running and chatting and I was VERY thankful for the diversion from my tummy.

I would love to run at Cheesequake next week--it is a nice trail run with HILLS.  I will run a lot of places I should't alone, but here is not one of them, so please let me know if you want to join me there or else I will have to convince/bribe Conor and Ronan to join me.

Want to read about my recent running antics, please visit the Racy Runners site HERE.
Please remember you can forward this email on to a friend or unsubscribe at the bottom of the page (you will not hurt my feelings if you unsubscribe--gone from the distribution list but not my heart).

The boys and I at Born to Run 2010
Friday, November 25th (the day after Thanksgiving) is the Freehold BORN TO RUN race at 11 am.  This will be the third year I run this race with Conor and Ronan's first.  This is a family friendly race and I encourage you to go.  You can send in your registration ahead of time or register when you arrive.  Click HERE for more info.  What better way to burn off that pumpkin pie.

Awful Almost 8

I had a rough run this morning.  I knew right away it was going to be hard when I looked at my Garmin and I was only 1.45 miles into the 8 that I wanted.  Thankfully, I had great company to help me through it.  N & N came out this morning--they are both preparing for 9/10 mile runs and wanted to get 8-9 in.  J came out to join us this morning--it was our first time meeting her and she fit right in.  We started in Thompson and headed into Cross Farms--once there, we took a break.  We all used the restroom  and got some water from the fountain.  I knew then that I was going to have SEVERE tummy troubles, but I wanted to muscle through. 

J had to get somewhere, so after running back into Thompson, we brought her to the parking lot and took a couple minutes to gab and grab some water.  Then N, N and I headed back towards the Rugby loop for 2 more.  I got to the point I have never gotten to before--I seriously had to find a bathroom STAT or I was going to pop a squat in the woods--in fact my exact words were--"I need to find a bathroom or I am going to crap in my pants".  I told them to run on and I headed to the nearest porta-potty.  My stomach was messed up by that point and I struggled to run the last 1.89 miles (ended up with just shy of an 8 mile run and I counted that as a success).

Please, Please, Please watch this video clip if you have not already seen it.  I watched it months ago but Runner's World featured Ben in a recent article and watching it again--still has the same impact --still makes me cry tears of happiness:

Bring the Noise--4 Miles of Hills Old School

Got my ryde in at Hammer House this morning.  I love cycling there and I am DEFINITELY noticing a difference in my core--my obliques are defined and rock hard.  Now don't get jealous, I still have a nice big tummy pouch and muffin top when I wear my low riding jeans--so there is still work to be done. I have 2 more classes left until the on sale package I purchased is done and then I will be sad girl.  I can't afford the $180 price for 10 rydes--18 dollars a ryde is STEEP.  I will have to take all my spin classes at the Y.  I love the Y--I am one of their biggest fans, but the bikes are not the same.  Oh well...

I had a lot of work to get caught up on today, but the weather was so gorgeous out and then I saw a post on Dailymile that N ran 8---I had to get out there.  As soon as Con and Ro got off the bus---off I went.  I was sooooo glad I did.  I read a great article in this months Running Times about hill work and I knew the perfect 4 mile course (N, you know the one).  Kept it steady and strong.

Post run enjoyed a Green Monster with kale, spinach, cucumber, and bananas--Yuum (trust me it tastes better than it sounds)!

I was in the mood for quiche--so spinach quiche it is (this is before it went into the oven).

Downloaded some new tunes today--Old School stuff--LOVE IT!
Today's Song, Bring in the Noise, Public Enemy:

Weekly Group Runs for week of Nov 14th

Racy Runners is a running group for everyone; running towards friendship, commitment, and health.  Come join us--everyone is welcome!
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Group Runs for Week of November 14th:

*Thursday, Nov. 17th
5 Miles Run on Henry Hudson
Meet at YMCA at Freehold at 10:20 am
(I will be coming from a Strength Training class)

*Saturday, Nov. 20th
LONG RUN Thompson Park
Meet at parking lot near the playground at 8 am
Please do not hesitate to get in touch if you want to arrange a run together any other time.

Guess what--we are planning on running the Asbury Park 1/2 on April 21st, 2012 and we want YOU (yes, YOU) to join us!

You can register HERE.

So far the BRAVE FEARLESS Racy Runners who are signed up (or about to sign up) to participate are:


Please do not be intimidated by the distance--we will show that 13.1 miles who is boss.

Do you want to stay in shape for the holiday season?  Do you want to be healthy and feel strong?  Do you want to train for a 1/2 MARATHON or dare I say MARATHON???

Come and run with us!

Nikki and I are making it a habit to run our long runs on Sunday (we really want to cross a Marathon off our bucket list)--running long runs with someone means we hold each other accountable.  It is always easier to run a long run with a buddy.  Come and give it a try.  It does not matter how far you want to go--we will help you get the distance in that you want/need.  Don't worry about pace--running long runs slow helps to build endurance and make you stronger, so we won't be racing these runs---plus we have to keep it slow enough to chat.

Nikki and I are also working on an Abdomen Challenge---we want that 6 pack (or any definition) so bad we can taste it.  We will definitely fill you in when we see you.

Group run Sunday, November 20th  at 8am--see side bar for information.   We hope you can join us (P.S. I have my brother's engagement party the night before--so if I can get out there hung over--you can certainly give it a try).

Want to read about my recent running antics, please visit the Racy Runners site HERE.
Please remember you can forward this email on to a friend or unsubscribe at the bottom of the page (you will not hurt my feelings if you unsubscribe--gone from the distribution list but not my heart).

Here are some of the Racy Runners from the November 5th Beauty and the Beach.  We braved the winds to get that 5 miles DONE!
Thank you to all the ladies who came out--Next year we will have to plan this out a little better--I never got my omelet or ladies night out--and I really needed both.

I don't know about Nikki--but I was SOOOOOOO happy with my time.  I really felt strong and I think this was a 5 mile PR for me:)  We even crossed the finish line together--unplanned.
Friday, November 25th (the day after Thanksgiving) is the Freehold BORN TO RUN race at 11 am.  This will be the third year I run this race with Conor and Ronan's first.  This is a family friendly race and I encourage you to go.  You can send in your registration ahead of time or register when you arrive.  Click HERE for more info.  What better way to burn off that pumpkin pie.