Scheduled Runs Week of Oct 26

Wow, the fall season is flying by.  I love this time of year; the weather has been perfect for running.

Scheduled Group Runs Week of Oct 26:

Tuesday, October 26th       10:30am            Thompson            3 miles
Friday, October 29th            9 am                   Cross Farms         5-6 TRAIL RUN (around reservoir)

I will try to get at least one more run in during the week and one on the weekend, please let me know if you want to join me and we can coordinate.  I was thinking of going to Manasquan Reservoir on Saturday or Sunday morning.

Run with my son

Normally our Sundays are packed with soccer and today is no different, but the boys games are scheduled later in the day--so Con and I planned a run this am.  We decided we would sleep until we got up (NO ALARM) have breakfast and then run--3-4 miles. 

It was a perfect day for a run--60s overcast--a typical Fall day.  We ended up doing 3.8 miles and Con was fast--he could have run faster but on 2 of the roads, I made him run behind me.  He broke free of me the last mile--it is so great to see him go--although, part of me is sad because he is outgrowing me.  I remember when he would keep asking me to walk---now, I ask him to slow down--my how the tables have turned.

Run with 5th grade

Ronan's class was due for the annual 5th Grade run at the Colts Neck Town Hall Complex yesterday.  Since I had a horrible left groin/hip pain--it hurt to sit---I was worried about running. My original plan was to run 2-3 before his class arrived.  Since no other Racy Runners could come--I decided to just run once around (a warm up) before his class came--and then run with the kids.  They did great--Ro is soooo fast, I cannot wait for him to be interested in running--he has a natural talent.


It seems like I really need a break these last couple of weeks---usually I am motivated to do training and run---but lately, I am lucky if I can motivate myself to do one activity.  Today I wanted to get a 5 mile run in and I started to talk myself out of this decision soon after I made it.  Headed over to the library; had to post signage that our Bosom Buddies Breastfeeding Support Group was not meeting today due to the fact that the Friends of the Library needed to set up for their annual book sale.  Decided to run from there, but hit the streets--5 times around the Library loop seems tortuous to me.  I need to change of scenery.

I FELT great up until mile 4 and I was thrilled that I was keeping my pace (no walking) and felt strong.  My R knee started to hurt in the last mile--but I pushed through it (it seemed manageable to me).  Post run I am a little sore--but feel GREAT.
Today's song, Muse, Uprising (click on link--can not embed this video:(---but this song is exactly how I felt when I ran today)

Missed the Rain!

All set this morning for a nice easy run after strength training at the Y.  Little did I know this am when I put on my running skirt and short sleeve top that it was a rainy dreary day out---too late to change,  so I just had to go with it.

Met L & J for a nice easy run at Thompson--had to stick with the paved paths due to the morning rain.  No rain and kinda dreary--but there were hints the sun was going to poke through.  Great conversation--great run:)--love running with the ladies.

Scheduled Group Runs Week of October 18th

Scheduled Group Runs Week of October 18th:

Tuesday, October 19th 10:30 am Thompson 2-3
Friday, October 22nd 9:30 am Library Loop 2-3

Could you please text me “the am of” if you are planning on making the runs,thanks.

I will try to sneak at least one more run in during the week (Wednesday) and one on the weekend (longer 4-5 mile runs)—just cannot coordinate time right now—please let me know if you want to try to coordinate these with me.

Don’t forget---LADIES NIGHT OUT November 13th (the night of The Beauty and The Beach Run)---mark your calendars!

Thundercheese in Sea Bright, ---leave your sneakers at home and put on your dancing shoes. The more the merrier!

5 Miles on Treadmill--Torture

Well, I did it--I wanted to run 5 miles at Cross Farms this morning and hit the reservoir trails---but LIFE got in the way and I ended up banging out 5 on the treadmill.  This is a HUGE feat for me---I appreciate having the treadmill but I usually can only manage 2 miles tops before I lose all interest.  Despite lots of windows and TV viewing--running the same speed with the same view is sooooo hard for me.  The kids were watching the movie "Cars" and I used the ipod to help break the monotony--but I did it!

Today's song, Modest Mouse, Float On

Today's Run is Cancelled--Sorry:(

Ray is out of town for golf work and I just don’t feel comfortable leaving Finn and Ro at home for an hour by themselves (Con—my older, more responsible son is not home). 

I apologize for the last minute cancellation—I could run in the neighborhood—so if you were planning on meeting me and want to run over in Clover Hill—let me know.

Don’t forget to mark your calendars for The Beauty and the Beach Run and Ladies Night out on Nov 13th

Leslie (YMCA)--I can not find your email and I want to include you on the email list so you have my cell number in case we need to coordinate runs-I am usually very good at sticking to a schedule but lately it has proved challenging--sorry.

Do you engage your core when you run?

Started my day with Insanity--I know ironic--isn't everyday insane for a mom.  Anyway....Wednesday is Bosom Buddies Breastfeeding Support Group--my weekly volunteer time.  I love this group but sometimes the organization and time that I give is a little overwhelming.  I usually cannot schedule any work appointments on Wednesday since the group is smack in the middle of the day--but I do get to sneak my workouts in.  I usually workout in am and then run after group.

Today we meet at Thompson Park for a Stroller Strides demo class--it was a lot of fun.  I wish they had classes like that when my kiddies were little.  I was able to sneak in a 2 mile run after---my right hamstring is still a little sore--but not painful---I tried to keep a short stride and keep the pace moderate.  My left Achilles was also acting up--but it felt fine when I ran--a few minor twinges only.

I broke out my new black running shoes--I know BLACK---I hate black shoes, especially sneakers---but I figured they would be great for hitting the trails.

Here are the new sneaks (I am addicted to all Brooks gear):

Perfect for running trails like this one--Rugby trail at Thompson:

I am running at Sandy Hook on Friday and I really want to get a 5-6 mile run in there.

I also tried to engage my core when I ran--does anyone else do this?  My core is my trouble area---I am holding on to extra padding there and I really want to get rid of it.

Grrrh Ugh!

My day got off to a bad start--had to rearrange morning schedule in order to attend my son's writer's workshop at school.  Yes, he knew about it ahead of time and just forgot to tell me.  So after canceling my group run and then running C to early am orthodontist, I headed over to the school.  Arriving right on time--only to find an entire class of kids and parents waiting.  I am never late---everyone must have arrived a good 15 minutes early----it was wierd.

The kids got to read their stories and it quickly became evident that my son have taken some short cuts with this project.  He had an overnight playdate Sunday night and did not tell me that he had to type up his story yesterday when he came home.  He must have quickly typed it and his lack of effort was obvious.  He had not bothered to correct the mistakes his teacher had already pointed out in previous drafts and that was just the mechanical errors.  I was disappointed and he knew it.  As the other children read parts of their stories aloud in response to the teacher's request for examples, he quickly realized his story did not compare.  So he started to cry---yes, I win the bad mother of the day award.  He knew I knew it was not his best work and we had just had a discussion last night regarding school work and the use of the computer for games when he was supposed to be researching a school project.  Don't get me wrong, he is an A student, but he is my "do the bare minimum" kid.  I took him out into the hallway so he could "gather himself up"--he pulled the "You said my story was horrible"--at this point arguing with him would have been pointless. Of course, I did not say his story was horrible.  Needless to say, I left there feeling HORRIBLE.

I decided I would get a run in---nothing fancy, just a run in the neighborhood to help me clear my head---but that did not go according to plan either--my garmin claimed "low battery"???? it figures--I know I ran faster than I have in a long time--almost 4 miles done.  Now to prepare for the coming home from school confrontation--wish me luck.

Today's song, The Bottom Line, Big Audio Dynamite

Run today Oct 12th cancelled

Sorry for last minute cancellation--my son just handed me an invitation to his writer's workshop at school this am---grrrrrh ugh (it has been sitting in his bookbag for some time now).  Good thing I did not have a work appointment planned. 

Scheduled Group Runs Week of October 11th

Scheduled Group Runs for Week of October 11th:

Tuesday, October 12th 10:15 am     2-3 miles                              YMCA, Freehold Parking Lot

Wednesday, October 13th12:30pm 2-3miles (intervals)             Thompson parking lot near playground

Friday, October 15th11:30am            5-6 miles                               Sandy Hook (meet at first parking lot on the right)

Saturday, October 16th, 10am           4-5 miles                               Cross Farms

P.S. Registration has opened for the Asbury Park ½---this is a great race for those of you who want to run your first ½ or those who just want to run a fun race---the course is FLAT and Beautiful—from AP—to Sea Girt---and back, There is PLENTY of time to train!

Holy Hills at Holmdel

Had a 5 mile run on the schedule but ended up with 3 and change--the hills were killer.  K meet me at Holmdel Park ; I do not run here often--the trail is very hilly and this park tends to be more crowded with walking groups than other county parks.  My right hamstring was tight--not painful, just tight, so I was a little worried about the stress of the hills.  We took it slow and steady and I felt great.  We walked about a quarter of a mile at the end to cool down and my right hip flexor was tweaky--I wonder if I was compensating--hamstring still felt tight.  

Sitting here post hot shower---I feel fine.  I should have probably iced it, but that takes so long---Nurses make the worst patients.

Nice 2 mile run with B & L

What a perfect day for a run.  Nice 2 mile run with B&L today at Thompson.  We tried to do some intervals--WOW, that is hard.  We will keep working on it.

5 planned for tomorrow am--I am going to work some more on intervals and hills.
Today's song, Neon Trees, Animal

Scheduled Runs for Week of October 4th

The weather last week along with a busy work week for me really threw my running schedule off.  I am hoping to jump right back in this week.  Only 5 weeks left until Beauty and the Beach. As far as I know it is not too late to register for this event.

Monday October 4th   11:30 am    2 miles     Thompson, meet at parking lot near playground (Intervals)

Tuesday October 5th  10:15 am    3 miles     YMCA parking lot (slow and steady)

Thursday October 7th 10:30 am    2-3           Thompson (Intervals)

Friday October 8th      9 am         5 miles     Holmdel Park (Hill work)