Mom Guilts

Well, I win the bad mom award today---yes, it is mine for the day.  Finn came home from school yesterday feeling sick with a stuffy nose.  I gave him a lot of cuddles and sent him to bed early.  I had a group run planned and for the first time in a long time I knew people were coming and I would have company on my run (OK--ultimately, only one friend made it but still).

Woke to fog--it was pretty out.  I knew it was going to rain, but I also had a feeling the heavy stuff would come later in the morning, our run was scheduled at 9--right when the kiddies get on the bus.  Finn was OK this morning.  Not himself and no fever--no coughs--no sneezing, but I knew he was not feeling great--I sent him off to school anyway with instructions to head to the nurse if he felt he was not well enough or started to feel sick.  I also wrote a note to the teacher letting her know he was under the weather and not to hesitate to send him to the nurse--in my defense, he is my third and youngest and this ploy has worked in the past.  NO I would not send a contagious--obviously sick kid to school (remember I am a nurse with a Masters Degree) but I also have been fooled into keeping kiddies home when they did not feel well only to have them miraculously recover when they realize they could spend the day in their PJs in front of the TV.  So off he went with stipulations.  Honestly my decision had nothing to do with my scheduled group run--Honesty--Ok, that does not sound convincing even to me.
Henry Hudson Trail in Drizzle with Fog Cloud Hovering Over the Trail
Anyway--got a 3 mile run 2 mile walk in with a friend in the rain and we got to VENT about lots of stuff.  Even had time to buy B-day cake for Con and shower before the call came in from the nurse.  Still no fever and she was going to convince him to stay--but by that time the mom guilts got the best of me and I said I was on my way to get him.  

It was pouring by then and I got to break in my new Hunter Boots Original Tall Gloss Graphite  (have the green ones--but these gray will go with everything).
Now off to cuddle, snuggle and watch Sponge Bob with my little one.

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